Two major storms in a row. Hard to imagine, but it happened. We learning to adapt and we’re doing the best we can. And we we do so, we are finding inspiration everywhere.
We are inspired when we see utility trucks coming in from as far as Alabama and Texas. We are inspired when we hear of families helping other families who were severely impacted by Sandy’s wrath. We are inspired when we see people organizing collections of clothes, food and toys for those that lost everything. We are inspired when artists play their music to soothe our souls and raise awareness for the calamity that has struck our hometowns. We are inspired by the goodwill and love that is around us all, and pray for the quick recovery and safe keeping of those in need.
Here are some organizations that are providing inspiration and doing wondrous work: The FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties… In just the first week of the Storm Sandy, the food bank distributed more than 225k meals. Occupy Sandy Recovery for New Jersey has also set up a ‘wedding registry‘ of items that one can purchase, which will go to those in need. Clever.
Stay Jersey strong…and inspired. Peace out.