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Swap It Out!

Get ready for a new trend coming your way: Clothes swapping. It’s not necessarily new. Actually, a couple of years ago, I complimented a fashion-forward friend on an absolutely adorable dress she

was wearing. “I got it at a swap,” she said. “It still had tags on it.” I didn’t think anything of it until I was telling another friend about the purging I was doing of my clothes. “Have a clothes swap,” she said. “They’re the best.”

That’s all it took. I called my gal pals and we planned the date. Then, I went back to the closet to really purge, finding that it was  much easier to pull out items knowing that they were going to friends. So the piles grew and my closet started to look good. It was time for the swap.

Although it was our first time doing the swap, it was easy to figure out. Each person laid out their items, and the ladies went through the goods. By the middle of the evening, large piles still abounded, so one by one, the tops, pants, coats, and shorts were showcased for the taking. We also brought kids and men’s clothes, and jewelry.

I came home with a beautiful French Connection shirt and linen dress, a Lia Sophia necklace, a new coat for my daughter, and shorts for the hubby. The evening was such a fabulous success that we quickly planned another, and invited even more friends.

If you are thinking of hosting a swap, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Ask your friends to invite their friends

  2. About 10-15 people is the goal – aim for all shapes & sizes

  3. Have at least two full-length mirrors available, and rooms available to dress and undress.

  4. Clothes don’t have to be seasonal. Bring sweaters, coats, shorts, and tanks.

  5. If two people want the same item, have a coin toss.

  6. Swaps don’t have to be limited to clothes. Consider household items or furniture, computers, and games. If something is too big to bring to the swap, print a photo of it and bring it with you instead.

  7. Lastly, prepare for having a wonderful time with your friends. These events are classic!


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